And hello to all my fans out there!
I know I haven't written for a while but I honestly have been eyeing off my blog and thinking... well, what can I write about? I've taken a break from wedding stuff and have been spending a lot of time sorting junk for our garage sale last weekend, so you can understand why there hasn't been much to inform you of.
On Friday I head to Perth to shop for my wedding dress. I'm staying with Ani and can't wait! We usually only get to catch up once a year and even then it's only for a couple of hours, so this time I get a whole 2 days with her. She's gonna be sick of me by the end of it, yay! We haven't fine tuned our plans yet; so far on Friday we're wedding dress shopping and Saturday we have a make up trial booked at Bobbi Browns in Myer City. No doubt we'll manage to fit in movie and dinner one night or both and I'm looking forward to doing a bit of shopping too if I get the chance.
On the book front, I had to order the books for the bookclub online and only got them on Thursday. I ended up finding a very reasonably priced website online where the book The Reader only cost $11.99, much better than the $20 it had been everywhere else. So I also ordered Madame Bovary and The Buccaneers. Great idea as I got free postage, but the trouble is that I've started reading all of them at once! I need to concentrate on The Reader and get that done first, shouldn't be too hard as I'm halfway through it already.
One thing I have been doing to pass the time is to update my Family Tree. I started a tree last year sometime on a great website and because so many other people use it worldwide, it links up with their trees and I have expanded out many generations! I'm back to the early 1800's on my Dads Mums side and have found some fantastic things out. Until next Wednesday I have access to historical records such as Census records, War Registration cards, Electoral records and even Convict Transportation Registers! And yes, one of my distant rellies was shipped to Van Diemans Land for life on 28 July 1842. Naughty girl!
I've been printing copies of everything I can find, as the next time I get this access it'll cost me $250 a year. It's such a shame that I don't have any details of Shane's family. I only have as much as Cheryl can remember and I need to contact a couple of rellies about the details they have. Another thing to do on the long term list.
Probably the biggest news and taker of my time in the last 2 weeks is that we found out yesterday that our offer on a house in Geraldton was accepted! We are now on the property market! Well, we already were due to my unit in Balcatta, and we are still pending the finance approval, but you know what I mean. It's a 4 x 2 house with a tenant in it and is costing us a pretty $386,000. Nice! But it gets us into the local area and will hopefully help us to buy our dream house when we eventually move down there.
Well I guess that's enough of the ramblings for now. Here's a nice photo to end the rambling with. Good night, and if you can't be good, be careful. TTFN x

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