Last night the first of us met for the Inaugural Hedlanders Bookclub on a nice cool night in a house near the ocean, with nibblies galore and a gorgeous little dog by the name of Coco punctuating the conversation. There were 5 of us and I was the only one who had actually finished the book. Bec had only just been invited so didn't even have it. Lisa, Alice and Britt were all reading it but were at various stages near the end; Britt flicked to the end and read the last page though!
So it was up to me to fill Bec in on the general story and then, with their permission, fill the girls in on the ending and who killed Laura Wishart, as well as tying up other plot lines. We sat for 3 and a half hours and talked, especially about books and authors, and inevitably got onto other subjects. But Bec was great at getting us back on the subject and we got so far as to pick a date for our next meeting as well as the next book, which was chosen by Bec. She was recently on holiday in Bali and desperate for something to read one day, she picked this out of only 3 english books available at the hotel. She described it as a not very well written book, very much a Kathy Lette/chick lit style of writing and much overdone but a really interesting story of a woman who doesn't know what to give her husband for his 40th birthday. So she offers him 365 nights of sex!

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