Devon is a wonderful sleeper. She sleeps through the vacuum cleaning, washine machine running and Cassidy singing at the top of her lungs. Once again, she takes after her mother.
10 Things That Piss Me Off in no particular order...
People who just don't get the notion of personal space. If I want them to know my pin number or how many Lotto tickets I'm buying, I'll bloody tell them. They don't have to hang over my shoulder and breathe down my neck.
Lending a CD or DVD to someone who returns it scratched, or doesn't return it at all, no matter how many times you politely remind them. Or worse, say Oh I can't find it.. Well bloody go look for it then!
TV ads that are so loud you have to turn down the volume, only to not be able to hear anything when your show comes back on.
Peeling the lid off a yoghurt or Yakult and only half the foil comes away, or breaks around the edge. Or worse, it comes off suddenly causing your hand to jerk and the yoghurt, etc goes all over yourself, the floor and the kitchen bench.
Wearing your hair up but getting those one or two flyaway hairs at your neck that itch and annoy.
Letting go of your book to scratch your nose, and the book falls shut so you lose your place and spend 10 minutes reading what you've already read trying to find where you were.
When your bread goes mouldy too early, just when you really wanted toast for breakfast.
When someone parks their car so close to yours, you can't open the door to put the baby in, let alone get in yourself. And how did they get out?
Forgetting the name of the most simple item, such as that flat thing you put things on.... a table.
Dropping something, picking it up then dropping it again.
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